The Digital Marketing Success Plan™

Make digital marketing predictable with a documented strategy and objective, actionable plan.

Digital Marketing Success Plan book cover

Introducing the Digital Marketing Success Plan™

The reasons digital marketing campaigns fail can be solved. That’s a bold statement and I say it confidently, as I’ve had decades of experience in digital marketing and have made my own mistakes along the way. If you’ve worked on your own, with/within in-house staff, with an agency, or any combination, and not gotten the results you felt you deserved, then you likely didn’t have robust enough plan. And, again, I say that with love as I’ve been there.

I believe so strongly in having a solid plan that I have developed the Digital Marketing Success Plan™ and am excited to share it with you. I’m currently presenting it with our industry peers at events across North America (including Digital Summit) and on a number of podcasts. My comprehensive book on the topic is now available for purchase on Amazon.

We’ve got some awesome free resources we’ll continue to add to this site (subscribe for updates) or reach out for a free session to see if we can help you if you have questions or are stuck at any point in your own digital marketing planning or campaign management phases. My goal is to make sure that companies don’t lose money to poorly planned or managed campaigns if it can be prevented. Again, I have seen a lot and believe that with a Digital Marketing Success Plan™, that we can save money before we even spend it on expensive tactics and ensure that we have a plan with predictable return on investment.

The Planned Phases of Digital Marketing

This is our take on the phases that are involved in digital marketing overall. Everyone starts at a different spot, but we argue that you may need to take a step back and get more comprehensive at a previous phase before you move forward again.

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START Planning Process

Leverage START Planning to arrive at your Digital Marketing Success Plan™


Conduct the Profile, Audit, Research, and Goal steps in the most comprehensive phase of the START Planning process. Know where you’ve been and where you stand now and define success going forward.


Explore all avenues and put all methods and actions on the table. This phase is where it is cheap to explore and experiment in what could and should be in your digital marketing mix.


Get your house in order–or build it! This prep phase provided dedicated planning time to identify all creative, content, web, and relevant assets you’ll need to create or improve before you launch your plan.


Build the system to manage and measure the successes. Reporting systems for performance, resource management, and anything else you need to track the effort all the way through to ROI.


Schedule the tactics so they stay subordinate to the strategy. Create a comprehensive calendar of everything and lock it in so it can only change when your trigger actions occur.

Your DMSP™

You have arrived at your own custom Digital Marketing Success Plan™! With all phases well documented, you’re now ready to put it into action moving to the Campaign Phase.

Get to Know Corey


A veteran of the digital marketing industry since 2005, Corey is an author and speaker in addition to leading his digital agency, Voltage. He is building on his years of writing hundreds of articles for Search Engine Land, Search Engine Journal, Forbes, and other sources with his first book, The Digital Marketing Success Plan. Watch for the book in 2024 and in the meantime, you can catch his content on the topic of being intentional, objective, and strategic in planning for digital marketing and helpful tools and content.

With the Digital Marketing Success Plan, Corey’s goal is to help companies give themselves a better return on investment and predictable digital marketing outcomes. Leaning on his personal pain stories, those of prospects and clients who have come his way over the years, and processes that validate the approach, he’s excited to share frameworks and free tools. Planning may seem like a boring topic to many, but the opportunity to avoid wasted spend on ad networks, agencies, or resources in an environment that is constantly changing is critical.

Corey’s passion is to share what he has learned and developed in hopes that it helps prevent more pain stories and create planned, predicable, and objective planning that leads to success for those who can benefit.

We’re here to help with your plan!

Contact our team to see how we can help you with any aspects of your plan or within the planning process.

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